Charlene Lobarbio
1 min readSep 30, 2021

I hope you find a love that will break down all the walls and barriers you’ve built. A love so real, so raw, that you never have to question their love for you. Their loyalty to you. A love that feels like home. I hope you find someone who will cherish you despite all of your flaws and imperfections. Someone who will uplift you and stand beside you even when life gets hard. I hope you find someone who will be invested in your dreams and will want to build with you. Someone who will support your growth and will do whatever it takes to add to your happiness. I hope you find a love that holds the key to your heart. A love that will make you feel safe so that you can be open enough to receive it. I hope you find someone who will remind you that love is a beautiful thing. Someone who will inspire you, be your biggest cheerleader, and someone who feels like home..

— Charlene Lobarbio